西班牙画家安东尼·塔皮埃斯(Antoni Tapies)盛情接受本刊编辑部的书面采访,于1988年1月21日寄来他的答复及近影。对此,我们深表谢忱。塔皮埃斯是继毕加索、米罗、达利之后又一位在西方画坛具有世界性影响的人物。我们十分高兴在发表他答本刊问的同时,组织一组文章及图片,把他介绍给读者,并希望能够借此促进正在中、西两国之间商讨的塔皮埃斯作品来华展出事宜。
The Spanish painter Antoni Tapies received a written interview with the editorial board of this magazine and sent his reply and his close-up on January 21, 1988. In this regard, we are deeply grateful. Tapis is the second person to have a worldwide influence in Western art circles after Picasso, Miro and Dali. We are very pleased to present a series of articles and pictures to introduce him to the readers while expressing his answers to this question and hope that this will enable him to promote the work of Tapias, which is currently being negotiated between China and West China, to be exhibited in China Matters.