本文选择了肯尼亚Mwea水稻种植区中Kangichiri、Kiuria和Rurumi 3个村庄-农田交错地区为观察区,分析并比较了2种卫星数据对水稻种植区疟疾媒介分布的指示情况.首先运用2005年7月获取的Quickbird(分辨率0.6 m)和Ikonos(分辨率4 m)卫星数据在Erdas Imagine V8.7(R)中生成观察区的地面植被覆盖图;并于2005年的7月至2006的7月观察相应地区地面蚊虫消长情况.通过对观察区的卫星数据的最大似然法监测分类,并于分类后对每一田块与灌溉渠道都用ArcInfo 9.1(R)进行栅格矢量化处理(每一栅格设置唯一的标识).所有调查的蚊虫滋生点,依照水稻的生育期的不同分为6层进行分析.然后将经差分GPS定位的每一处水稻田及按蚊产卵点都叠加到该地区的卫星底层数据上,并对不同的水体、水稻生育期、调查地点的蚊虫滋生情况进行了方差分析.结果显示,由于Ikonos只有可见光和近红外光谱分辨能力,单一的Ikonos卫星数据难以区分不同样点和分层的生境,而QuickBird具有全光谱分辨能力,可区分所有的稻田生境.因此,可根据QuickBird 0.6 m卫星数据的土地利用和覆盖指数和阿拉伯按蚊滋生点幼虫的增殖特性,在当地建立和应用媒介综合防治系统(IVM-Integrated Vector Management).“,”This research covers the current status of rice land malaria mapping with particular reference to recent developments in spaceborne data availability. A land cover map was generated in Erdas Imagine V8.7(R) using Quickbird 0.6 m and Ikonos 4.0 m visible and near-infrared (NIR) data acquired July 2005, for Kangichiri, Kiuria and Rurumi agro-village complexes within the Mwea Rice Scheme, Kenya. Field sampling data was acquired from the three study sites during July 2005 to July 2006. We performed a maximum likelihood unsupervised classification on the satellite datasets. Each paddy and canal habitat in the three study sites was digitally traced in Arc Info 9.1(R) which served as a grid. A unique identifier was placed in each grid cell. All habitats in each study site were stratified based on levels of rice stage ( 1 = ploughed, 2 = flooded, 3 = posttransplanting, 4 = tillering, 5 = flowering/maturation, 6 = fallow). Differentially corrected global positioning systems(DGPS) ground coordinates of rice land Anopheles oviposition sites were overlaid on the satellite datasets. An analyses of variance test between aquatic habitat, strata and study site was performed. The Ikonos data and the QuickBird data identified every rice land aquatic habitat by village and strata. Ikonos and QuickBird visible and NIR data of geo-referenced riceland An. arabiensis aquatic habitats can develop and implement an Integrated Vector Management (IVM) program based on larval productivity.