引发震动的“政治新星” 2003年9月17日,喜欢巧合的美国人又欣赏到了一场饶有趣味的政坛好戏:在12年前克林顿挑战老布什而企图问鼎白宫的同一个地方——阿肯色州小石城,又一个“民主党南方佬”——58岁的前北约欧洲盟军最高司令兼美军驻欧洲部队总司令韦斯利·克拉克穿着笔挺的西装,带着比当年的克林顿更迷人的微笑,胸有成竹地向他的竞选对手宣布:他正式决定参加2004年的美国总统竞选! 这一消息马上在美国政坛引起震动。历史似乎注定了布什家族又要在阿肯色州小石城这个地方“走麦城”。12年前的金秋,刚刚打赢了海湾战争的老布什总统无论在国内还是国际都声望极高,“连任下届总统”似乎已成了他的囊中之物。他压根也没想到,克林顿这个曾“蓄着和猫王一样的络腮胡的民主党南方佬”竟敢向他叫板,并且抓住“美国
Volatile “Political Nova” On Sept. 17, 2003, like-minded Americans enjoyed an interesting political drama: The same place Clinton challenged Bush in trying to get the White House 12 years ago - Little Rock, Arkansas, another “Democrat’s Southlady,” 58-year-old former NATO chief of the Allied forces of Europe and Wesley Clarke, the commander of the European Forces in Europe, wore even suits, more charming than those of Clinton Smiling and confidently declaring to his rivals that he formally decided to participate in the 2004 presidential election in the United States, a message that immediately caused a shock in the political arena in the United States. History seems destined for the Bush family to “go shopping in the city” of Little Rock, Arkansas. The fall of 12 years ago, when President Bush won the Gulf War, both at home and abroad have enjoyed a high reputation. “Re-election of the next president” seems to have become something in his bag. He did not even think that Clinton, a “Democratic Southman who had the same beard as the Elvis Presley,” dared to challenge him and grabbed "the United States