This article studied the direct effect of tetrandrine (collagen) on collagen. After the 24-hour incubation of anacardium and type I collagen (1:1) under acidic or neutral conditions, some collagen and anacardium bound to precipitate. The SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and Sepharose-6B molecular sieve chromatography were used to observe the changes in the molecular weight of collagen in the supematants after treatment with tigrin A. It was found that the γ, β aggregates and α-chains of type I collagen were all depolymerized and decomposed. Produces small peptide chains. It is proven that anacardium can bind to macromolecular proteins such as collagen and decompose it. This may be one of the reasons for the slowing down of the fibrosis progression of silicosis. Under the effect of small doses of anacardium (1 mg anaylamine: 167 mg collagen I), collagen was not significantly degraded.