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曲嘎尔羌岩画(原称“恰克桑”岩画)地处西藏自治区阿里日土县多玛区所在地南面一天然岩洞外壁上(见图1),1985年由西藏自治区文管会文物普查队发现并公布于世。由于该岩画所表现的内容颇有特点,自被发现之日起便引起了人们的格外关注,大凡有关西藏岩画内容的著述与文章总会涉及到它,本文也想就曲嘎尔羌岩画谈谈看法,以就教于诸位方家。 The Qugaqiang rock paintings (formerly “Qiaksang” rock paintings) are located on the outer wall of a natural cave in the south of the Dama district in Ali Ritra County, Tibet Autonomous Region (see Figure 1). In 1985, they were censored by the cultural relics investigation team of the Tibetan Autonomous Region Discover and publish in the world. Due to its characteristic features, the rock paintings aroused people’s attention since it was discovered. Most of the writings and articles about rock paintings in Tibet are always related to it. This article also wants to talk about the Quagye Qiang petroglyphs Talk about the views, to teach you in your house.