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今年的6月8日,是令3600万陕西人民永远难忘的日子。 那天夜里,一种可怕的巨大的力量,在瞬间变成一场千年一遇的洪魔,摧垮房屋,冲毁县城,吞噬生命,破坏人类所赖以生存的环境。一时间,我省秦岭山区腹地的美丽县城佛坪,路毁、灯灭、电停、线断,成为洪水中的一座孤岛,与外界失去了一切联系…… 随后,陕西军民与几万佛坪干部群众一起,演绎了一曲曲战天斗地抗洪水的可歌可泣的英雄赞歌。 时过近两月,在这水退人还重建家园的时刻,再回想当时的分分秒秒,依然感慨万千。 June 8 this year is the day to make the 36 million Shaanxi people unforgettable forever. That night, a dreadful force of enormous power instantly turned into a flood of demons that once in a thousand years, crushing houses, destroying the county seat, engulfing life and undermining the environment upon which human beings depend. For a time, the province of Qinling Mountains in the hinterland of the beautiful county Foping, Lulu, lights out, power outage, off line, as an island in the flood, and the outside world lost all contact ... ... Subsequently, Shaanxi military and civilian tens of thousands of Fuping Cadres and the masses together, the interpretation of a song and fight the floods epic heroic hymn. Nearly two months later, in this water retreat to rebuild their homes, then recall the time of the moment, still filled with emotion.
因存在巨大的生殖障碍,甜瓜远缘杂交十分困难,因而进行甜瓜远缘杂交生殖学研究对于克服甜瓜远缘杂交障碍具有重要意义。采用Chelex-100法对西印度瓜自交授粉后3 d的幼胚进行
Recent evidence indicates that mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) possess immunosuppressive properties both in vitro and in vivo. We previously demonstrated the funct
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本刊讯(云南省教育系统创先每优领导小组办公室报道)在全省教育系统深入开展创先争优活动之际,省委书记白恩培7月21日到曲靖市麒麟职校指导工作。白恩培高度赞扬麒麟职校对云南职业教育的发展作出的突出贡献,鼓励麒麟职校更好更快地发展,在职业教育的行业里保持旗帜引领的作用。  白恩培强调,教育是民族振兴和经济社会发展的基石,要把教育放在优先发展的地位。只有实现教育的现代化,才能有农业的现代化,才能有城镇的工
黑鹰公司不仅生产手枪套,也生产战术马甲。2001年公司推出了设计新颖的系列战术马甲,其新颖之处主要在于表面采用了防滑化合物合成面料,内部用高密度泡沫材料填充,且在马甲外部边缘还有一个内置的韧性筋材,为步枪射击提供了一个抵肩平台。    欧米加多功能猎人型马甲    欧米加系列战术马甲均由耐磨网状织物面料制成,马甲肩部和腰围的尺寸可根据个人需要来调整,因此同一型号的马甲可供不同体型的人使用。背带适用
The role of interleukin 25 (IL-25) in a number of human diseases still has not been extensively studied, here we attempt to evaluate the role of recombinant IL-