西方有句谚语叫“Money opens all doors”,可以直译为“金钱打开了所有的门”,这自然也包括潘多拉的盒子。 在中国,一个人一旦成了富豪,就难免露出人性的丑陋。我们经常听到关于暴富者如何狂妄贪婪、奢靡腐化的故事,难怪浙江的一个农民在成了富豪之后,突然意识到简朴自重的可贵。 人如是,企业亦如是。按说,一家公司上市融资、在交易所挂牌交易是好事,但在国内却未必如此。因为一旦实现了上市融资,金钱与成功就似乎来得太快、太容易,许多公司一下子被冲昏了头脑,
The Western saying goes, “Money opens all doors,” literally translated as “Money opens all doors,” which naturally includes Pandora’s box as well. In China, once a person has become rich, it is inevitable reveal the ugliness of human nature. We often hear stories about how the rich are maddened by rashness and corruption. No wonder a peasant in Zhejiang, suddenly becoming aware of simplicity and weight, became rich. If people, business is true. It is said that a company listed on the financing, the exchange listing is a good thing, but not necessarily so in China. Because money and success seem to come too fast and too easy once IPO financing is achieved, and many companies are suddenly dazed,