不能说很久没有看到像《北京人在纽约》这样的电视剧,只能说《北京人在纽约》比任何一部以往的电视剧都漫不经心又居心叵测的用两个北京人在纽约的命运之剑狠狠地掏了一把我们的心窝子。人生不能演戏,戏却应该关注人生,关注真实的人生。尤其在二十世纪末,在我们大多数人面对整个世界的变幻不定顿感无所适从,既困惑又浮躁,既信心百倍又百无聊赖的时候。 《北京人在纽约》说的是北
Can not say for a long time did not see like “Beijingers in New York,” such a drama, can only say that “Beijingers in New York” than any previous TV series are careless and inattentive with two Pekingese in New York fate of the sword ruthless Ruthless dig one of our hearts. Life can not act, the show should focus on life, concerned about the real life. Especially at the turn of the twentieth century, when most of us are confronted with the uncertainty of the entire world, we are confused and impetuous, confident and bored. Beijingers in New York say North