1996 和1998 年对特早熟玉米进行了夏播试验。初步结果表明,适宜山西省中北部地区麦茬夏播的玉米品种,生育期为80 ~85d ,同时还必须具有较强的抗大、小斑病和矮花叶病的特性。特早熟玉米同一品种夏播比春播生育期缩短8 ~9d ,杂交种比其亲本( 自交系) 早熟3 ~4d 。夏播时由于温差大,玉米子粒饱满,千粒重高,子粒产量比春播时高
In 1996 and 1998, special precocious maize was sowed in summer. Preliminary results showed that maize varieties suitable for summer sowing in the middle and northern part of Shanxi Province had a growth period of 80-85 days and strong resistance to large and small leaf spot and dwarf mosaic disease at the same time. Early maturity of the same precocious maize sowing shorten the spring sowing period of 8 ~ 9d, hybrids than their parents (inbred lines) 3 ~ 4d. Summer sowing due to temperature difference, corn full grain, 1000-grain weight, grain yield is higher than the spring