患者 女,76岁。50年前无意中发现下腹部有一肿物,拳头大小,质硬,无压痛,逐渐长大,未予治疗。5天前被驴踢伤下腹部,出现下腹部剧烈疼痛伴腹胀、恶心、呕吐,自觉肿物消失。 查体:腹软,下腹部深压痛。子宫直肠隐窝内可扪及一肿物,大小约5cm×7cm,表面光滑,质硬,动度好。子宫中位,宫颈及阴道无异常,肝脾未触及。 X线检查:盆腔内见两个类圆形阴影,大小不等,密度不均匀,大者位于前方,呈圆形,周边有钙化,大小约9cm×11.5cm;小者位于子宫直肠隐窝,呈随圆形钙
Female patient, 76 years old. Fifty years ago inadvertently found a tumor in the lower abdomen, fist size, hard, no tenderness, and gradually grew up, no treatment. 5 days ago the donkey was kicked under the abdomen, there was severe abdominal pain accompanied by abdominal distension, nausea, vomiting, conscious mass disappeared. Examination: abdominal soft, deep abdominal pain. Rectal crypts palpable within the tumor, the size of about 5cm × 7cm, the surface is smooth, hard, good mobility. Median uterus, cervical and vaginal abnormalities, liver and spleen not touched. X-ray examination: the pelvic see the two types of round shadow, the size range, uneven density, the larger is located in the front, round, surrounded by calcification, the size of about 9cm × 11.5cm; small in the uterus rectal crypt, Was with the round calcium