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疾病无国界,我国为防止境外输入性传染病,在入境关口设置了专门的检验检疫机构。但在一些地方,常规的入境检疫远不能满足防控传染病输入的需求:我国的陆地边境地区,尤其是新疆、云南、广西等边境省份,境内外人员往来频繁,成为传染病入侵的多发地。例如,2011年新疆出现多例脊髓灰质炎患者,打破了我国11年“无脊灰”的局面,而那次的脊灰病毒正是从邻国巴基斯坦输入的。 Illness without borders, our country to prevent the importation of sexually transmitted diseases abroad, at the entry gate set up a special inspection and quarantine agencies. However, in some places, the routine entry quarantine can not meet the demand for the prevention and control of infectious diseases. The border areas in our country, especially in the border provinces of Xinjiang, Yunnan and Guangxi, have frequent contacts with domestic and foreign personnel and have become frequent sources of contagious diseases . For example, many cases of poliomyelitis occurred in Xinjiang in 2011, breaking the 11-year “polio-free” situation in our country. The poliovirus was imported from neighboring Pakistan.