Reading: From June 17 to June 18, leaders of the EU-25 countries held a meeting in Brussels. They adopted the “Constitutional Treaty of Europe” that has attracted much attention, marking the completion of EU constitutional negotiations that lasted for nearly two and a half years. This is Europe. Significant milestones in the integration process. The birth of the “Treaty” has laid a solid legal foundation for the future development of the EU and has set a precedent for the regional joint process. After half an century of efforts by the European Union, the Economic Alliance has been established and the basic industry of political cooperation has been formed. The “Constitutional Treaty of Europe” clearly stipulates that the rotating chairman of the EU Council shall be replaced by a permanent chairman, the post of EU foreign minister shall be established, and the scope of application of the specific majority voting system shall be expanded. These are directly related to the positioning of countries in the future EU and their rights and responsibilities. The redistribution of various parties has various interests and fierce competition. This article can be seen.