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当下中国美术面临的价值困境,是如何回应西方艺术进化论话语体系提出的“当代性”命题,以及在此种全球化语境的渗透中如何确立当代中国美术的发展观。新世纪以来,随着中国艺术家参与国际双年展机遇的增多和国内创办国际双年展的蓬勃兴盛,欧美流行的当代艺术开始大面积地冲击国内架上艺术,阿瑟·丹托的艺术终结论也渐浸国内学界,成为当下美术界颇为流行的价值话语。这不仅影响了国内民族美术的健康发展,而且绘画能否进入当代艺术史都成为美术界 The current value dilemma facing Chinese art is how to respond to the proposition of “contemporaryity” proposed by the discourse system of Western art evolutionism and how to establish the development concept of contemporary Chinese art in the context of globalization. Since the beginning of the new century, with the increasing opportunities for Chinese artists to participate in the International Biennale and the flourishing flourishing of the founding of the International Biennale in China, the popular contemporary art in Europe and the United States began to impact on the art of domestic shelving in a large area. The art of Arthur Danto ended The theory is gradually immersed in the domestic academic community, becoming the current popular value of the art world discourse. This not only affects the healthy development of national art in the country, but also whether the painting can enter the history of contemporary art has become the art world
目的:分离LoVo细胞释放的exosomes,以其致敏树突状细胞(dendritic cell,DCs),观察其对细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(cytotoxic T lymphocytes,CTLs)的激活效应。方法:离心超滤和蔗糖密度梯度离心