据报道,某省一位省级领导干部不久前深入基层了解情况,因为是自己随机选择考察地点,觉得此行很有收获。不料事后偶然得知,和他聊得颇欢、赞扬当地政府某些做法的老百姓,竟是事先被“安排”好的。他很惊讶:自己是随意下车,随意找人聊天的,居然也能“事先安排”!为此,这位领导同志“一夜未睡,感到担忧,甚至害怕”! “知屋漏者在宇下,知政失者在草野。”领导干部深入基层听取群众意见,掌握基层实际情况,这是确保决策科学的前提条件。如果领导干部在下面听到、看到的情况都是“事先安排”好的,甚至“随机遇上”的人和事也有基层干部打过招呼,就很难听到实话,摸到实情,在此基础上形成的决策也就很难保证科学合理、符合民意,实在害莫大焉。类似这位领导的遭遇,想来并非偶然。现在一些地方基层干部在“安排”上级和领导考察、调研的行走路线方面,为展示自己的政绩,隐瞒存在的问题,早已练就了一手纯熟的造假功夫,甚至敢把一个村的百姓全换成乡镇干部,按照事先统一的口径回答上级领导的提问。
It is reported that a provincial-level leading cadre in a province not long ago made in-depth understanding of the situation at the grass-roots level because it was their place of random choice of inspection and found that the visit was rewarding. It was only after the accidental discovery that the people who chatted with him and praised the local government for certain practices were actually arranged in advance. He was very surprised: he is free to get off, feel free to find someone to chat, but can also be “arranged in advance!” To this end, the leading comrades “overnight did not sleep, worried, or even afraid!” In the next step, those who lost their lives in knowing and governing were in Kusano. “Leading cadres should listen to the opinions of the masses in depth at the grassroots level and grasp the actual situation at the grass-roots level. This is a prerequisite for ensuring scientific decision-making. If the leading cadres hear below and see things like ”arranged in advance“, and even those who ”meet at random" have grass-roots cadres who say hello, it is hard to hear the truth and feel the truth Based on the formation of the decision-making is also very difficult to ensure scientific and rational, in line with public opinion, it is very damaging Yan. Like the leader’s experience, it is not by chance. Nowadays, in order to demonstrate their political achievements and conceal existing problems, the grassroots cadres in some places have already learned the skill of making counterfeits and even tried to replace all the people in a village with one another Become township cadres, in accordance with the prior unified caliber to answer the questions of superiors.