各大品牌纷纷开始亲历亲为,在公司内部成立专门制作传播内容的部门。美国独立电影频道近期播放了一部短片:足球明星Thierry Henry站在西班牙巴塞罗那一个古老浪漫的球场边,回答着球迷的提问。间或,影片会切换到亨利踢球的镜头,他用头部连续顶球,或在场内带球奔跑。这部短片的幕后导演是首次执导的西班牙女影星Paz Vega。该片是去年12月到今年3月连续上映的系列影片《陷害》(Framed)中的一部。这个长约30分钟的片段展现出顶级运动员和首次执导影片导演的风采。该片与Yahoo体育频道合
The major brands have started to personally, in-house set up specialized dissemination of content department. American Independent Film Channel recently broadcast a short film: football star Thierry Henry stood in Barcelona, Spain, an ancient romance stadium, answering fans questions. In the meantime, the film switches to Henry’s shot, where he uses his head to hit the ball in a row, or run the ball in the field. The film’s behind-the-scenes director is the first Spanish star Paz Vega directed. The film is part of a series of Framed films released in succession from December last year to March this year. This 30-minute segment shows top athletes and first-time filmmakers. The piece and Yahoo Sports Channel together