From 1985 to 1987, the average annual population density of Larix chinensis and Pinus taiwanensis mixed forest was 0.85 pairs per hectare, which was significantly higher than that of pure Pinus massoniana forest (0.57 pairs) (t = 3.50, P <0.05). The average density of attracting areas in 1987 was 1.48 pairs per hectare, which were 2.6 times and 3.4 times higher than the density in mixed forest and pure forest in the same period respectively. By analyzing the reproductive biology of big tits, the ratio of dendrollers in chicks and the densities of dendrolimus population, it is estimated that the predation effect of Great Tit on Dendrolimus punctatus larvae during overwintering is about 0.29% in years with high population densities In the years with low population density of Dendrolimus punctatus, the predation effect increased by 11.24 times and the predation in the lead area increased by 29.19 times.