
来源 :广西农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gmn10021
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里骆林区位于亚热带东部常绿阔叶林地带的南部,中山地貌,地形复杂,雨量充沛,气候温暖,地质年代久远,少受第四纪冰川影响,植物种类丰富,组成森林的优势科在中亚热带南部颇富有代表性;地理成分复杂,但以亚热带为主,依次为热带、温带、广域分布的种类;区系多歧,兼有泛北极植物区的华东、华中、华南、滇黔桂等地区的成分,还和古热带植物区的南海、北部湾等地区有联系;起源古老,有不少为中国特有种和孑遗种,是宝贵的天然基因库和种子库。随着海拔高度不同,水热状况的差异反映在植物种类的组合上,垂直带谱的变化是明显的;山地保存不少的原生性阔叶林;起着良好的涵养水源作用,还蕴藏着丰富多采的资源植物,并有不少的国家重点保护植物,为加强对这一自然保护区的保护,经营管理以及合理利用植物资源,提出分区规划,并对着重发展的植物,按因地制宜原则,就垂直带谱提出布局意见。 Located in the southern part of the evergreen broad-leaved forest in the subtropical zone, the Lulin area is characterized by complex topography, abundant rainfall, warm climate, long geologic age, little affected by the Quaternary glaciers, rich plant species and the predominant forest component The subtropical southern is quite representative; the geographical composition is complex, but mainly subtropical, followed by tropical, temperate, wide-range distribution of species; flora and diversity, both pan-Arctic flora East China, Central China, South China, Yunnan and Guizhou Gui and other regions of the ingredients, but also and the ancient tropical flora of the South China Sea, Beibu Bay and other areas are linked; ancient origin, many of them endemic to China and relic species, is a valuable natural gene pool and seed bank. With the difference of altitude, the differences of water and heat conditions are reflected in the combination of plant species, and the changes of vertical band spectrum are obvious. Many native broad-leaved forests are preserved in mountainous areas, which play a good role in water conservation. Rich and rich resources of plants, and a number of national key protected plants, in order to strengthen the protection of natural reserves, management and rational use of plant resources, proposed zoning plan, and focus on the development of plants, according to local conditions and principles , Put forward the layout opinion on the vertical band spectrum.
本文介绍了白杨派3种杂交种和2种对照杨树的纤丝角与干缩系数和顺纹抗压强度的关系,并比较三种杂交种和对照杨树的材性优劣,为选育白杨派新杂交种提供依据。 In this paper,
粤松 Pinus Kwangtungesis Chun又名广东五针松、华南五针松,为我国特有的三级保护树种。分布于宜章莽山、汝城、桂东、江华、江永、宁远、新宁、城步、绥宁等地。垂直分布
本文提出了一种准确判定缺陷性质、位置和大小的较合理的检测方法 ,并指出了检测中应注意的问题。最后对国家规程中三种缺陷判定方法逐一进行分析 ,并提出了最新研制的判定方
曹操修建了六条运河(续) 建安九年(公元204年)二月,曹操率领十万大军围攻邺城,由于守城的袁军谋士审配防御严密,曹军久攻不下,直到是年八月,乘漳水山洪暴发之机.决漳水灌城
本研究以Neutrase 0.8 L对酪蛋白进行水解,水解后的酪蛋白(HC)分别导入外源性氨基酸苯丙氨酸、组氨酸与脯氨酸进行类蛋白反应。所得的修饰产物(HCPHE、HCHIS和HCPRO)体外的DP