Patient, Stone × ×, female, 20 years old. October 26, 1985, due to the similarities and differences between the two eyes, to our hospital ophthalmology requirements for treatment. Check: symmetry of both eyes, freedom of movement, normal corneal anterior chamber lens and fundus, visual acuity 1.5, left 1.5, right eye 17.30mmHg left 17.30mmHg, right eye iris was brown (with normal iris color), pupil margin Melanin ring, the left eye iris in addition to the pupil edge of the melanin ring and the peripheral part of the individual scattered dots in the pigment, the rest of the iris surface is gray (similar to the iris color of the West), left anterior chamber angle is wide, 12 to 1 point Three small blood vessels can be seen from the iris did not roll obliquely into the front of the scleral protrusion, Shanghai curtain a little