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1 病例介绍患者,男,60岁。因鼻及左面颊部隆起伴左面颊部麻木半年余,于1999年1月20日收入院。检查:一般情况良好;双侧鼻前庭底向上移位,鼻腔看不到,左面颊部呈弥漫性隆起,有波动感;硬腭膨隆,自321123456       唇龈沟处可触及肿物,且有波动感,但牙无龋齿及叩痛等... 1 case description Patient, male, 60 years old. Due to nasal and left cheek bulge with left cheek numbness more than six months, January 1, 1999 income hospital. Check: The general condition is good; bilateral nasal vestibule up shift, the nasal cavity can not see, the left cheek was diffuse bulge, a sense of volatility; hard palate bulging, since 321123456 lip gingival groove palpable mass, and a sense of volatility , But toothless dental caries and percussion pain ...
1. 立春 the Beginning of Spring 2. 雨水 Rain Water 3. 惊蛰 the Waking of Insects 4. 春分 the Spring Equinox 5. 清明 Pure Brightness 6. 谷雨 Grain Rain 7. 立夏 T