越来越多的光盘生产厂开始生产DVD光盘,对于大多数刚接触DVD光盘的生产者来说粘合是一个过去从未接触过的生产工艺,只有过去生产LD或MO的生产厂才累积有粘合的经验,这就是热融粘合法。现在UV固化粘合法有许多优势,但是Krauss-Maffei公司(以下称KM公司)的Martin Eichlseder先生提出了自己的观点,他认为不应忽视热融粘合法工艺,最新的研究成果将使它成为值得信赖的技术。
More and more CD manufacturers begin to produce DVD discs. For the majority of new-to-DVD disc producers, gluing is a production process that has never been touched before. Only the manufacturing plants that used to produce LD or MO have accumulated Bonding experience, this is the hot melt bonding method. There are many advantages to using UV-Curing, but Martin Eichlseder of Krauss-Maffei (hereinafter KM) puts forward his own opinion that he should not neglect the hot-melt bonding process and that the latest research will make it Become a trusted technology.