慢性心力衰竭(CHF)是多种心血管和非心血管疾病的终末综合征,已成为全球经济的沉重负担,患者生活质量差,住院率、病死率均较高。近年来循证研究发现,CHF患者营养与生活行为自我照管(SC)对心力衰竭的预后影响明显。1 SC的概念SC是指CHF患者对其所出现和发生变化症状的应对策略和为保持生理稳定、营养合理状态所做出的自主性行为选择过程[1]。其实质就是患者遵医嘱服药、低盐饮食、健康营养、适当锻炼,采取预防并发症的行为和
Chronic heart failure (CHF) is the terminal syndrome of many cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular diseases and has become a heavy burden on the global economy. Patients with poor quality of life, high hospitalization rates, and high rates of death are among the patients. In recent years, evidence-based research found that patients with CHF nutrition and self-care behavior of life (SC) significantly affected the prognosis of heart failure. 1 The concept of SC SC refers to the response of patients with CHF to their changing symptoms and the choice of autonomous behaviors to maintain their physiological stability and nutritional status [1]. The essence is that patients prescribed medication, low salt diet, healthy nutrition, appropriate exercise, to take preventive actions and