At 18:45 on August 12, 1986, an M_S = 5.4 earthquake occurred in the west of Yanyuan County. Xichang wireless transmission network computer initially located in Yanyuan county southwest (27 ° 23’N; 101 ° 19’E). Yanyuan County near the city, the apparent destruction of buildings, serious human and animal injury, is considered a macro epicenter. Microscopic epicenter and macro seismic difference of 12 km. The microseismic epicenter of the earthquake is inconsistent with the epicenter of the macro epicenter. A 5.4-magnitude earthquake, with a difference of more than 5 km, is a big disparity because of the inaccurate positioning of the microseismic epicenter. At present, Xichang wireless transmission network for M_L> 2.5 of the Yanyuan earthquake set