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兰州军区某团卫生队,自1979年以来结合学习对越自卫还击作战卫勤保障的经验教训,从实战需要出发,狠抓了夜间卫勤保障训练,取得了较好的成绩。经师考核,卫生队在带战术背景的情况下,夜间展开不到9分钟,气管切开手术不到2分钟,夜间机动、撒收、伤员救治等各环节的工作也都达到了紧张有秩序,忙而不乱,速度有所提高。他们的主要做法是: 一、把夜训的课目先放在白天练。夜间卫勤保障训练的内容、程序、卫勤编组等和白天基本一样,只不过是时间不同、要求不同、训练难度更大一些。为了搞好夜间卫勤保障训练,他们采取了由浅入深、先易后难、循序渐进的办法,将夜间训练的内容与程序先放在白天练习,为夜间训练打下基础。如战备箱囊装卸车训练,起初由于没经验,一开始就直接进入了夜训,结果装卸车 Lanzhou Military Region, a group of health teams, since 1979, combined with the study of the more self-defense counterattack combat medical support experience, starting from the actual needs, pay close attention to the training of medical support at night, and achieved good results. The teacher assessment, the health team in the case of a tactical background, less than 9 minutes at night, tracheotomy surgery less than 2 minutes, night maneuvers, sprinkling, casualties and other aspects of the work has also reached an orderly , Busy but not chaos, the speed has increased. Their main approach is: First, the night training course first day practice. At night, the content, procedures, grouping of medical attending health care training, etc. are basically the same as during the daytime except that time is different, requirements are different, and training is more difficult. In order to do a good job in nighttime medical care security training, they adopted a simple, hard-working and step-by-step approach that takes the contents and procedures of night training first during the day and lays the foundation for night training. Such as combat equipment tanker loading and unloading training, initially because no experience, from the beginning directly into the night training, the results of loading and unloading
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