
来源 :国外医学.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjt518
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作者对16例19眼药物不能控制的慢性闭角型青光眼者作氩激光周边虹膜打孔术。术前做眼部检查,眼压均>25mmHg,最高为62mmHg。房角镜检查所有眼至少有180度房角闭合。7眼呈典型的青光眼视神经损害,9眼呈青光眼视野缺损。杯盘比>0.7,双眼杯盘比>0.2。本研究规定术后眼压为22mmHg以下者为眼压控制。随访3~24个月。氩激光周边虹膜打孔术均为抗青光眼的首次手术。结果:19眼中13眼(68.4%)眼压控制,其中4眼(21.1%)较术前用药减少,6眼(31.6%) The author of 16 cases of 19 eyes can not control chronic angle-closure glaucoma argon laser peripheral iris drilling. Preoperative eye examination, intraocular pressure were> 25mmHg, up to 62mmHg. Gonioscopy All eyes closed at least 180 degrees angle. 7 eyes showed typical glaucoma optic nerve damage, 9 eyes showed glaucoma defect. Cup ratio> 0.7, binocular cup ratio> 0.2. This study provides intraocular pressure after IOP is 22mmHg following intraocular pressure control. Follow up for 3 to 24 months. Argon laser peripheral iris drilling are the first anti-glaucoma surgery. RESULTS: Thirteen eyes (68.4%) underwent intraocular pressure control in 19 eyes, of which 4 eyes (21.1%) were reduced compared with premedication, 6 eyes (31.6%
患者 男,24岁.右侧耳后及右侧头部疼痛4个月余,伴右侧颞顶枕部肿物10 d.头痛为持续性隐痛,阵发性加重,夜间稍明显.近来体重下降约10 kg.无家族遗传病史.体检:右侧颞顶枕部头皮明显肿胀,质硬,无压痛.实验室检查:结核杆菌抗体(TB-Ab)阴性,红细胞沉降率(ESR)44 mm/1 h碱性磷酸酶(ALP)97 IU/L(参考值35~125 IU/L)。