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0概况芬兰现有人口530万,国土面积338000km2,有湖泊188000个,称千湖之国。芬兰1917年独立,2002年成为欧盟成员国,是欧盟第六大国家,科研占国民生产总值的比例为3.5%,受过高等教育的人数占总人口比例的28%。芬兰是全球第六个具有竞争为的国家,也是欧盟最具研发、创新和可持续发展的国家。 0 OVERVIEW Finland has a population of 5.3 million and a land area of ​​338,000 km2. There are 188,000 lakes in the country, which is called the Kingdom of the Thousands of Lakes. Finland was independent in 1917, became a member of the European Union in 2002, and is the sixth largest EU nation. Its share of research in GNP is 3.5%, and the number of people with higher education accounts for 28% of the total population. Finland is the sixth country in the world to compete and the most developed, innovative and sustainable EU in the EU.