地球表面最伟大的控卫纳什(Steve Nash),在回答读者问题时,竟毫不避讳说希望有一天可以回到小牛队打球。当然了,前文后语就不用交代了,反正都是断章取义而已。这段被引述的文字在达拉斯网站并没有引起太多回响,只不过让一向多愁善感的我想起2005年7月1日大清晨,太阳队从老板到球员搭专机从菲尼克斯城飞到达拉斯,以五年6,200万美元价码加上难以量化的诚意,硬是横刀夺爱,让正在做登峰造极美梦的小牛队顿时陷入难以接受的噩梦中。当然了,之后纳什也没辜负球迷期望,连拿两季MVP,火热的球风在他加油添醋下,太阳队想必是赚了不少绿油油的钞票才对。
Steve Nash, the greatest point guard on the surface of the earth, did not shy away from answering readers’ questions saying he hopes one day he will return to the Mavericks. Of course, the antecedents do not have to explain, anyway, are just out of context. This quoted text on the Dallas site did not arouse too much echo, but I have always been reminded me of the sentimental, July 1, 2005 morning, the Suns from the boss to the player take a plane flew from Phoenix to Dallas, with five With a $ 62 million price plus hard-to-quantify sincerity, it’s just a raucous gesture that suddenly makes the Dallas Mavericks being caught up in unimaginable nightmares. Of course, after Nash also live up to the expectations of fans, Gianna MVP two quarters, the hot style of football under his glass, the Suns must have earned a lot of green oil banknotes.