我着重讲两个问题,作为我在这次会议结束时的发言。 第一个问题,关于过去工作的回顾与研究会工作规律性的探讨 十五年前的一月中旬,中宣部、中组部、中央书记处研究室、国家经委、全国总工会、全国妇联、团中央等七部门受中央书记处的委托,在北京召开了“全国职工思想政治工作会议”,会议期间,中宣部等七部门联合写了关于成立中国职工思想政治工作研究会的倡议书和报告。倡议书迅速得到与会代表的热烈响应和有关领导的支持,报告也很快地得到中央的批准。一月十八日在北京京西宾馆召开了中国职工
I focus on two issues, as I speak at the conclusion of this meeting. The first question, the past work on the review and study will work rules 15 years ago in mid January, the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Organization Department, the Central Secretariat of the laboratory, the State Economic Commission, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the All-China Women’s Federation , The Central Committee of Communist Youth League and other seven departments were commissioned by the Central Secretariat and convened a “National Conference of Ideological and Political Work for Workers and Staff members” in Beijing. During the meeting, seven departments including the Central Propaganda Department jointly wrote a proposal on setting up a seminar on the ideological and political work of Chinese workers And report. The proposal was promptly received by the participants’ warm response and the support of the leaders concerned. The report was quickly approved by the Central Government. On January 18, a Chinese worker was held in Beijing Jingxi Hotel