野山参亦称山参,与栽培人参〔Panax ginsangC.A.Mey.〕同种。Panax是Pan+acos,即总的+医药,万能药的意思。ginseng一词系汉语译音,因中国是在医疗中使用人参最早的国家,故这一词汇使用甚为广泛。我国是野山参主产国,朝鲜和苏联亦有分布。野山参生长在山野,一般生长在人迹罕至的针阔叶混交林下。野山参的种子不是经人而是由自然力或鸟兽传播的。人参的果实鸟兽喜食,由于人参种子的种皮坚硬不易消化,于是随粪便排出,遇条件适宜的
Wild ginseng, also known as ginseng, is the same species as Panax ginsang C.A. Mey. Panax is Pan+acos, the total + medicine, panacea means. The word ginseng is a Chinese transliteration, because China is the earliest country to use ginseng in medical treatment, so this vocabulary is widely used. China is the main producing country of wild ginseng, and North Korea and the Soviet Union are also distributed. Wild ginseng grows in the mountains and it usually grows under the mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests. Wild ginseng seeds are not transmitted by humans but by natural forces or birds and animals. The fruit of ginseng is eaten by birds and beasts. Because the seed coat of ginseng seeds is hard and undigestible, it is discharged with feces and is suitable for conditions.