2. Demonstration Methods Method 1 Prepare NH 3 and HCl using the common gas preparation method to produce white smoke: Take each of the well-grown NH 4 Cl and Ca(OH) 2 powders, mix them on the paper, and place them into large dry test tubes. In the test tube, add large NaCl to the beans and inhale concentrated H_2SO_4 in the dropper, as shown in the figure above and fix it on the iron stand. During the demonstration, the glass tube was traversed upward and the small test tube was moved upward. A few drops of concentrated H 2 SO 4 were added and the small test tube was moved to the bottom of the large test tube. Heating a large test tube produces white smoke immediately and fills the entire test tube. After cold, a large amount of hoarfrost hangs inside the large test tube.