晶状体后囊膜混浊(PCO)又称后发性白内障,是白内障囊外摘出术后最常见的并发症,也是术后远期视力下降的主要原因,目前尚无有效的治疗方法,因此寻找切实有效防治PCO的方法备受眼科工作者的关注.长期以来研究者多通过单纯培养LECs来探索PCO发生和发展的机制,虽然加深了我们对其发病机制的了解,但其发生的细胞机制仍不清楚.随着广大眼科学者对PCO发病机制不断的研究和探索,通过体外培养晶状体囊袋模型,能够较为真实地模拟白内障术后晶状体囊膜及细胞生存的环境,便于更好地观察术后在模拟体外微环境下晶状体囊膜及细胞的生物学行为变化规律.本文就囊袋模型的种属来源及其特点、囊袋制备所采用的不同方式及其优缺点、维持囊袋轮廓所采用的不同材料及特点、囊袋模型与在体动物模型相比其具有的优缺点及囊袋模型在PCO相关研究中的应用进行简述.“,”Posterior capsular opacification (PCO),also known as after-cataract,is the most frequent complication and the primary cause for visual decrease after extracapsular cataract surgery.At present,there is no effective way to treat PCO,so more attentions are focused on preventive reseaching of PCO and treatment methods.Although a variety of studies have increased our understanding of the pathogenesis of PCO,the cellular mechanisms responsible for PCO are still unclear.Cultured capsular bag model in vitro could effectively simulate lens capsular membrane and cells survival environment after cataract extraction and IOL implantation.However,lens capsular bag cultivation with different methods have their own characreristics.The material source,preparation methods of capsular bag model,characreristics of materials which maintain capsular bag contours and its application in PCO were reviewed.