奋起的成就 争先的举措——青海在西部大开发中的发展变化和进取对策

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在历史的车轮滚动到21世纪的崭新时代,人们翻阅统计资料,综观数据变化,走进城乡各地,今昔对比,可感悟到,近几年的青海伴随着西部大开发的热潮迭起,经济建设步伐明显加快,城乡各地沧桑巨变换新颜。新世纪头20年是大有可为的重要战略机遇期,青海要认真践行“三个代表”重要思想,与时俱进,乘势而上,使西部大开发战略的实施收到更大的成效,让惠及各族人民、造福子孙后代的伟业焕发更大的活力,全省上下以新的思路谋良策,以新的举措促发展,全面建设小康社会。国民经济运行:提速增效实施西部大开发战略以来,青海在1997年、1998年、1999年及2000年经济增速持续高于全国水平的态势下,进入新世纪的头两年增速分别达12%和12.4%,连创新高,实现了在全国经济增幅位次的前移, In history, when the wheel of history is rolling to a brand-new era in the 21st century, people can look through the statistical data, make a comprehensive survey of the changes in data, and enter the urban and rural areas. Comparing the past and the present, we can see that with the rapid development of western regions in recent years, Significantly speed up changes in the vicissitudes of urban and rural areas new face. The first 20 years of the new century are promising strategic opportunities. Qinghai must conscientiously practice the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ keep pace with the times and make progress so that the implementation of the strategy for the extensive development of the west will receive greater results. So that the great cause benefiting all ethnic groups and the benefit of future generations will be rejuvenated. Throughout the province, we will make good plans with new ideas, promote development with new measures and build an overall well-to-do society. Since the implementation of the strategy of large-scale development of the western region, Qinghai Province has maintained its economic growth rate consistently above the national average in 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000 and its growth rate in the first two years of the new century reached 12% and 12.4% respectively, reaching a record high, achieving a forward move in the national economic growth ranking,
在用溴甲烷熏蒸过土壤上生长的苹果树,干周增粗明显加快。六到八年以后,用各种熏蒸法处理的树比对照树,干周增加33~49%,果实产量增加1~3倍。土壤 PH 值,土壤砷及线虫的数量,不
由中国园艺学会主持召开的“全国露地蔬菜栽培学术讨论会”,于1982年11月16日至21日在安徽省合肥市举行。 出席会议的有来自全国27个省、市。自治区及商业部副食品局,新闻出