在苹果叶螨防治研究和示范推广课题的研究过程中,1984年夏季在省农科院张掖园艺试验场普查害螨危害情况时,我们在二站地名为四十亩的地块里发现了捕食性益螨。经初步观察,该益螨能捕食李始叶螨和梨星毛虫二龄越冬幼虫。标本经复旦大学梁来荣先生鉴定为蛛形纲寄螨目植绥螨科盲走螨属的一个新种,暂定名为银川盲走螨(Jyphlodromlls yincuanis)。
During the research on the prevention and control of apple spider mites and the demonstration and popularization of the topics, during the summer of 1984 when conducting a survey of the damage caused by mites at the Zhangye Horticultural Experimental Station of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, we found predators in a plot of 40 mu Sex mites. After preliminary observation, the beneficial mites can prey on Lee spider mite and pear star caterpillar overwintering larvae. The specimen was identified as a new species of Phytodelidae in the phylogenetic family Araceae by Mr. Liang Lairong of Fudan University, tentatively named Jyphlodromys yincuanis.