
来源 :今日山西 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lb_super
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With the setting up of the system ofhousing accumulation funds in l992 and raising of the rent, the housing reform in Shanxi has gone smothly in recent years.Until 1998, the publicly - owned houses at the standard price or cost price regulated by the Province’s housing reform policies tale up 74% of the houses that are allowed to betold. At the same time, various measures have been adopted to speed up the construction ofthe houses to improve the housing conditionsof the residents in cities and towns. In the next stage of the reform, the focus wil1 be placed on the commercialization of housing distribution and supplytng, and the building of the housing marlet as well. With the setting up of the system of housing accumulation funds in l992 and raising of the rent, the housing reform in Shanxi has gone smothly in recent years. Until 1998, the publicly - owned houses at the standard price or cost price regulated by the Province’s housing reform policies tale up 74% of the houses that are allowed to betold. At the same time, various measures have been adopted to speed up the construction of the houses to improve the housing conditionsof the residents in cities and towns. In the next stage of the reform, the focus wil1 be placed on the commercialization of housing distribution and supply ton, and the building of the housing marlet as well.
她,在1934年时货物吞吐量就已超过1000万吨,在当时世界港口中名列前茅;她,货物中转量曾排在全国第二位,仅次于上海港;她,曾创下中国港口的多个第一 She had over 10 million