Jiangxia’s story “This is my grandson’s article” In 1994, I graduated from technical school, the school recommended me to a company in Guangzhou to work, I refused. I am deeply in love with writing. I have published a large number of articles in newspapers and periodicals during the school years. I am the director and editor in chief of the Literary Society. I am eager to work in a news organization and study. Some relatives and friends scoff at my “naive” idea: a technical school graduate who wants to get into a news unit is really a toad who wants to eat swan. I am not discouraged, I am full of confidence in myself. So, I put my own copy of the recommended materials and works cast in every hope news unit, and then wait for news at home. A month later, two months later, the letter of investment goes out. I am a bit anxious, and more urgent is the family, they are under great pressure, neighbors often in front of my parents said: "You son