Application of the modified vaccination technique for the prevention and cure of chronic ailments

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moreee
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Over the years vaccination has proven to be the most successful health protection program for large populations,to prevent them from acquiring serious infectious and contagious diseases caused by exogenous antigens(ags) such as bacteria and viruses.Protection is generally achieved by an active immunization program,though passive immunization has also been employed, especially in the past,to combat diseases caused by certain bacterial infections(e.g.tetanus, diphtheria,etc.). Most recently,encouraging research data suggests that therapeutic approaches employing vaccination techniques can also be used to correct or deal with mishaps induced by or involving endogenous ags.However,most attempts at employing conventional vaccination techniques to do so have proven less than successful.In the case of cancer,one of the reasons for this is that the presentation of cancer related ags in presently available immunization frameworks is unable to evoke a powerful,specific cancer killing response.Therefore,drug treatments have been required in order to achieve additional beneficial effects. Recently,the Barabas group has developed a new vaccination technique(the third vaccination method,after active and passive immunization) called Modified Vaccination Technique(MVT). In experiments the MVT has been able to prevent-and with equal effectiveness,terminatemishaps induced by or involving endogenous ags, an experimental autoimmune kidney disease called slowly progressive Heymann nephritis(SPHN). The MVT is safe,and is able to initiate a specific immune response in the injected host(provided the injected components are in pure form).The MVT promises to provide the next generation of vaccines for the prevention,treatment,and termination of chronic disorders in humans,such as autoimmune diseases,cancer,and chronic infections. Over the years vaccination has proven to be the most successful health protection program for large populations, to prevent them from more serious infectious and contagious diseases caused by exogenous antigens (ags) such as bacteria and viruses. Protection is generally achieved by an active immunization program , though passive immunization has also been employed, especially in the past, to combat diseases caused by certain bacterial infections (egtetanus, diphtheria, etc.). Most recently, encouraging research data suggests that vaccinations techniques vaccination techniques can also be used to correct or deal with mishaps induced by or involving endogenous ags.However, most attempts at substantiated vaccination techniques to do so so proven less than successful. the case of cancer, one of the reasons for this is that the that of the presentation of cancer related ags in presently available immunization frameworks is unable to evoke a powerful, specific cancer killing response.Th Recently, the Barabas group has developed a new vaccination technique (the third vaccination method, after active and passive immunization) called Modified Vaccination Technique (MVT). In experiments the MVT has been able to prevent-and with equal effectiveness, terminatemishaps induced by or involving endogenous ags, egin an experimental autoimmune kidney disease called slowly progressive Heymann nephritis (SPHN). The MVT is safe, and is able to to topart the injected host (provided the injected components are in pure form). The MVT promises to provide the next generation of vaccines for the prevention, treatment, and termination of chronic disorders in humans, such as autoimmune diseases, cancer, and chronic infections.
沈鸿烈字成章,湖北天门人,于1938年至1941年任国民党山东省政府主席。我在1940年、1941年曾在省政府民政厅任职员,与沈有过 Shen Hongliechengchengzhang, Hubei Tianmen p
康熙皇帝是我国封建社会中一位开明和有作为的帝王。他不仅善于安邦治国,而且一生好学不倦,特别对音乐十分爱好,并有研究。 近代学者徐珂编写的《清稗类钞》中有《圣祖改订
走出校园后,柳絮始终处于找工作的烦恼中,主要原因就是高不成低不就。这天上午,同学张峰打来电话:“我们公司要招聘行政助理,也就是我的助手,人员由我挑选,所以我想把这个机会留给自己人。”要知道,张峰所在的公司可是柳絮梦寐以求的地方。当初,张峰以优异的成绩应聘成功,如今已是公司的行政经理。之前柳絮曾多次托张峰询问有没有职位,但都苦于没有招聘名额,如今机会终于来了。  柳絮万分激动地说:“您放心吧,老同学