目的 探讨WasselⅠ、Ⅱ型复拇指畸形的手术治疗及临床疗效.方法 2010年6月至2013年1月,对9例WasselⅠ、Ⅱ型复拇指畸形的患儿,采用切除两个复拇指中间的部分皮肤、软组织、指甲及多余指骨,保留一侧复拇指的指骨,形成主要侧带指骨及大部分甲床,副侧带一侧甲沟、部分指骨及皮肤软组织复合瓣,两部分组合形成一个有完整指甲的拇指,并重建指间关节侧副韧带.术后拇指使用支具固定3周.结果 术后所有患儿切口均Ⅰ期愈合,随访时间为5~18个月,平均12.7个月,矫形拇指指甲生长正常,指甲中间无明显的裂隙形成,指腹饱满,外形与健侧拇指相似,拇指指间关节屈伸活动同健侧.结论 本手术方法简单易行,合并后的拇指指甲两侧甲沟完整,指体饱满,外形明显好于仅单纯切除一侧复拇指的方法,是一种有效的治疗复拇指畸形的手术方法.“,”Objective To investigate the surgical procedure for Wassel type Ⅰ,type Ⅱ thumb duplication and evaluate its clinical outcomes.Methods From June 2010 to January 2013,9 cases of Wassel type Ⅰ,type Ⅱ thumb duplication were treated.Part of the skin,soft tissue,nail and redundant phalanx between the duplicated thumbs were resected.Phalanx and nail of the dominant thumb were preserved and combined with part of nail,phalanx and soft tissue composite flap from the diminutive thumb to form a complete thumb.The collateral ligaments of the interphalangeal joint were reconstructed as well.Postoperatively the thumb was immobilized with a splint for three weeks.Results Primary wound healing was achieved in all 9 cases.Postoperative follow-up ranged from 5 to 18 months,with an average of 12.7 months.Thumb nail growth was normal with no obvious ridge in the middle of the nail surface.The appearance of thumb pulp was full and comparable to appearance of the contralateral thumb.Flexion and extension of the interphalangeal joint was comparable to the normal side.Conclusion This surgical procedure is simple.The combined thumb nail appears normal.The pulp is full.Appearance of the thumb is significantly better than that achieved by simple resection of one of the duplicated thumbs.It is an effective treatment method for thumb duplication.