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今天是邮政开放日,我们来到邮政局探秘。你见过5秒钟打印出50个信封吗?你见过一张白纸瞬间变成一张图文并茂的海报吗?你见过印着自己头像的邮票是如何制作出来的吗?你可别以为这是刘谦在玩魔术,这可是货真价实的邮政局工作现场。看到这一切,我和小伙伴们都惊呆了,不停地发出“哇哇”的赞叹声。接下来,我们睁大眼睛,继续探秘分发邮件和报纸的作业现场。只见工人们中指戴着橡皮套,飞快地挑拣分发邮件和报纸。据说—份邮件从接收到分发出去,需要经过17双手呢。 Today is the postal open day, we came to the post office to explore. Have you ever seen a print of 50 envelopes in 5 seconds? Have you ever seen a piece of white paper turned into an instant photo poster? Have you ever seen a stamp printed with your avatar produced? This is Liu Qian playing magic, but this is a real post office job site. See all of this, I and my friends are shocked, kept issuing “wah-wah,” the admiration. Next, we open our eyes and continue to explore the distribution of mail and newspaper job site. I saw the workers wearing middle finger rubber boots, quickly sorting out the distribution of mail and newspapers. It is said - a copy of the mail received from distribution, it needs to go through 17 hands it.
又是夏天。晚上陪女儿练完轮滑回家,走到小区超市门口,女儿说要去买支雪糕吃。一直担心她长得太胖而限制她吃雪糕的我,看着她脸上布满汗水,只好勉强答应。女儿兴高采烈地冲到冰柜前,目光饥渴地在一堆花花绿绿的雪糕上游移,最后停在了一支天蓝色包装的雪糕上。  “妈妈,这种就是我们学校门口卖的‘小雪生’,可好吃了!”女儿惊喜地叫着。  我拿起雪糕一看,它既不是蒙牛,也不是伊利,更不是和路雪。我不禁皱起了眉头:“