隐藏的威胁 六套设备评测探讨无线局域网互操作性问题

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从1999年《个人电脑》杂志开始介绍无线局域网产品(WLAN:WirelessLocalAreaNetwork)以来,六年的时间里整个市场可以说是发生了翻天覆地的变化:在技术标准方面,802.11,802.11b,802.11a,802.11g先后亮相并走向成熟,网络速度从最初的2Mbps攀升到现在的54Mbps,而借助多入多出天线(MIMD)等增强技术,某些产品甚至可以达到108Mbps这一足以与主流有线局域网媲美的速度。在应用方面,经过数年的铺垫,2003年英特尔公司的迅驰移动计算平台出现并且迅速推广普及,进一步促成了无线局域网产品的爆炸性增长。现在,不管是企业、家庭,还是机场、酒店这样的公共区域,都可以看到各类无线局域网设备的身影和与我们息息相关的实际应用。 In the six years since the introduction of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) in 1999, Personal Computer magazine has seen a dramatic change in the entire market: in terms of technical standards, 802.11, 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11 g has appeared and mature, the network speed from the first 2Mbps climbed to the current 54Mbps, and with multiple input multiple antenna (MIMD) and other enhanced technology, some products can even reach 108Mbps that is comparable with the mainstream wired LAN speed . In application, after several years of bedding, in 2003 Intel’s Centrino mobile computing platform and the rapid popularization, further contributed to the explosive growth of wireless LAN products. Now, whether it is business, home, or airport, hotel, public areas, you can see all kinds of wireless LAN devices and the relevance of our practical applications.