前段时间,在不同学科领域内曾就电缆和导线护套材料的防火技术性能问题,进行了广泛的讨论,发明了适合高层建筑物、核电站和轮船使用的新型脱卤电缆材料,并制定了电缆和导线防火性能的新检验方法。这些学术讨论促使我们对煤矿用电缆和导线是否有必要提出新的要求。 1.网路结构,对电缆和导线的要求 煤矿井下巷道网路的各种设备在很大程度上要依赖于从地面经由井巷而遍布整个矿山的放射式供电网路。井下电网通过竖井供电,星形电网结构在起火时对电缆和导线的
Some time ago, in various disciplines, they conducted extensive discussions on the fire protection performance of cable and wire jacketing materials and invented a new type of dehalogenation cable material suitable for use in high-rise buildings, nuclear power stations and ships, and developed a cable And wire fire performance of the new test methods. These academic discussions prompted us to come up with new requirements for the use of cables and wires in coal mines. 1. Network Structure, Requirements for Cables and Conductors Various equipment in a mine roadway network relies to a large extent on the radial power supply network that runs from the ground through the mine to the entire mine. The underground grid is powered by a shaft, the star grid structure in the event of a fire to cables and wires