西部大开发战略的实施 ,将有助于加快西部地区的经济增长速度 ,但大量的新项目投资集中到西部 ,也为西部的官员提供了大搞腐败的机会。防止西部大开发异化为腐败的“温床”的最根本的措施有两条 :一是尽快建立起一套较为完整、有操作性的、遏止腐败滋长的监督机制和惩处机制 ;二是在西部开发的过程中 ,必须同时加快社会体制和政治体制改革的步伐。
The implementation of the strategy of large-scale development of the western region will help speed up the economic growth in the western region. However, a large number of new project investments are concentrated in the west and provide officials in western regions with opportunities for corruption. There are two fundamental measures to prevent the development of the western region from becoming a “hotbed” of corruption. First, a relatively complete and operative monitoring mechanism and punishment mechanism to curb the growth of corruption should be established as soon as possible. The second is to develop in the western region We must at the same time accelerate the pace of social and political reform.