纤维素性支气管炎,是一种较罕见的疾病,我院曾发现5例,现将资料完整及留有标本的2例报告如下: 例1 赫某,男,29岁,住院号639,于1963年6月22日诊断六型肺结核溶解期乙(上中下)/(上中下)(+)。入院检查:营养欠佳,平温,平脉,血压110/74毫米汞柱,胸对称,左上呼吸音减弱,未闻罗音。血沉正常,血尿便常规及肝功检查均在正常范围,痰中找到抗酸杆菌。 X线所见:两肺上中下散在小斑片状阴影,左上有一4.5×2.5厘米大透光区。
Cellulolytic bronchitis, is a relatively rare disease, our hospital has found 5 cases, now the information is complete and there are 2 specimens left in the report as follows: Example 1 Hemou, male, 29 years old, hospital number 639, in 1963 June 22, diagnosis of type 6 tuberculosis lysis B (upper middle) / (upper middle) (+). Admission examination: poor nutrition, flat temperature, flat pulse, blood pressure 110/74 mm Hg, chest symmetry, lower left breath sounds weakened, did not hear Luo sound. ESR normal, hematuria routine and liver function tests are in the normal range, sputum to find acid-fast bacilli. X-ray findings: two lungs scattered in the small patchy shadow, the upper left 4.5 × 2.5 cm large translucent zone.