目的回顾性分析68例宫颈电环切除(LEEP)术后的妊娠结局。方法 68例曾因宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)行LEEP术的产妇,对其早产率、胎膜早破、低体重儿及分娩情况进行回顾性分析。结果 68例患者均为自然受孕,阴道分娩52例,占76.47%,剖宫产16例,占23.53%,早产5例,占7.35%,胎膜早破5例,占7.35%,低体重儿6例,占8.82%。结论严格控制LEEP术锥切深度(<2 cm)及术后与妊娠间隔时间(术后避孕6~12个月),不会对妊娠结局及造成不良影响。
Objective To retrospectively analyze the pregnancy outcomes of 68 cases of LEEP. Methods 68 cases of women who had undergone LEEP due to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) were retrospectively analyzed for their preterm birth rate, premature rupture of membranes, low birth weight children and delivery. Results 68 cases of patients were spontaneous conception, vaginal delivery in 52 cases, accounting for 76.47%, cesarean section in 16 cases, accounting for 23.53%, premature birth in 5 cases, accounting for 7.35%, premature rupture of membranes in 5 cases, accounting for 7.35%, low birth weight children 6 cases, accounting for 8.82%. Conclusions Strict control of conization depth (<2 cm) and interval between postoperative and postoperative pregnancy (postoperative contraception 6 to 12 months) should not lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes.