随着处方药与非处方药的分类管理、定点药店与非定点药店的分设以及其他相关配套措施的出台和实施 ,无不给医药企业带来冲击和震动 ,同时也给药品零售业创造了发展契机。据统计 ,药品零售额的比重已由前些年的5 %上升到近几年的20 %~30 % ,甚至更高。药品零售业也因其经
With the classified management of prescription drugs and non-prescription drugs, the distribution of designated pharmacies and non-designated pharmacies and the introduction and implementation of other related supporting measures, all these have brought shocks and shocks to the pharmaceutical enterprises and created an opportunity for the pharmaceutical retailing industry. According to statistics, the proportion of retail sales of medicines has risen from 5% in previous years to 20% to 30% in recent years or even higher. Because of its retail medicine industry