胃复安是一种强效止吐药,尤其对非器质性胃肠功能紊乱疗效较佳。该药有致锥体外系症候群等不良后果,文献虽有多起报道,但临床误诊误治者仍不少.本文就一年来我院门急诊10例胃复安致锥体外系症状的患者做一临床分析。一、临床资料1.性别与年龄:男女各5例:年龄最小13岁,最大56岁,25岁以下者9例.2.服用胃复安史:9例因急性胃肠炎,1例因长期消化不良而服此药。4例服药量>30mg/d,其中1例最多达150mg/d,余6例均在正常剂量(15~30mg/d)。有1例持续服药达一年。从服药至出现锥体外系症状的时间:服150mg/d 于24小时内出现症状者1例,48小时内出现者8例,一年后出现症状者1例。3.临床表现:均因家属发现表情呆板、颈硬、斜颈、口眼歪斜、伸舌、厥嘴、流涎、交替出现肢体躯干不自主运动等症状而就诊。本组10例中,头颈不自
Metoclopramide is a potent antiemetic drug, especially for non-organic gastrointestinal disorders better curative effect. The drug pyramidal extrapyramidal syndrome and other adverse consequences, although there are many reports from the literature, but a lot of clinical misdiagnosis and mistreatment is still a lot.This article in our hospital emergency department in 10 cases of methotrexate induced extrapyramidal symptoms in patients with a Clinical analysis. First, the clinical data 1 gender and age: 5 male and 5 female: the youngest 13 years old, the largest 56 years old, 25 years of age in 9 cases .2 taking stomach Fu’an history: 9 cases of acute gastroenteritis, 1 case due to long-term Indigestion and take this medicine. Four patients took> 30mg / d, of which 1 case up to 150mg / d, the remaining 6 cases were in the normal dose (15 ~ 30mg / d). One patient sustained medication for one year. From taking medicine to the appearance of extrapyramidal symptoms of time: take 150mg / d symptoms within 24 hours in 1 case, 48 cases appeared in 8 cases, one year after the symptoms in 1 case. 3. Clinical manifestations: both because of family members found that facial expressions dull, stiff neck, torticollis, Kouyanwaixie, stretch tongue, mouth, saliva, alternating limb torso involuntary movements and other symptoms and treatment. In this group of 10 cases, head and neck is not self