一、族谱档案的主要内容。1 族谱档案的历史演变。族谱是宗族组织活动的档案文献汇编。族谱的内容随宗族组织的发展而变化。原始社会 ,宗族组织表现为氏族 ,若干血缘关系密切的氏族组成部落 ,再由若干部落组成部落联盟。部落或部落联盟首领由推举产生。组织内部用不成文习惯法
First, the main content of the genealogy file. 1 Genealogy Records of the historical evolution. Genealogy is a compilation of archives of clan organization activities. The content of genealogy varies with the development of the clan organization. Primitive society, the clan organization showed the clan, a number of close clan clan tribes, tribal formed by a number of tribes union. Tribal or tribal chiefs were elected by the election. Organized within the unwritten customary law