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1月11日下午,庄严神圣的人民大会堂国宴厅迎来北京地产界的一千多名精英,他们会同特邀的政商界名人、社会名流、演艺明星,共同见证北京地产十年来规模最大、规格最高、影响最广泛的一次盛会,“2004年地产峰会”暨“2003年北京地产风云榜”揭榜仪式在此举行。全国人大副委员长布赫先生、全国人大常委甘子玉先生、长征老干部、谢觉哉夫人王定国女士、中国扶贫基金会主席、老一辈革命家李富春、蔡畅的女儿李特特女士、联合国工业发展署国际(集团)董事局主席张照朴等社会知名人士,以及国家工商局、北京奥组委有关同志出席了今天的盛会,中国房地产协会会长杨慎、搜狐网首席运营官古永锵先生及《证券日报》社长张杰博士等也应邀参加大会。京城地产几乎所有的名企、名盘的老总 On the afternoon of January 11, the solemn and sacred Great Hall of the People ushered in more than a thousand elites in the real estate industry in Beijing. Together with invited celebrities, celebrities and celebrities, they witnessed Beijing Real Estate’s largest scale over the past decade. The highest specifications, the most influential event, “2004 Real Estate Summit ” and “2003 Beijing Real Estate Billboard ” exposing ceremony held here. Mr. Buch, vice chairman of the National People’s Congress, Mr. Gan Ziyu, NPC chairman, veteran Changzheng, Mrs. Wang Dingguo, Mrs. Xie Juezai, Chairman of China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, older generation revolutionary Li Fuchun, daughter of Ms. Cai Chang, Ms. Li Tete, United Nations Industrial Development Agency, (Group) Chairman Zhang Zhaopu and other celebrities, as well as the State Industry and Commerce Bureau, BOCOG relevant comrades attended today’s event, China Real Estate Association, Yang Shen, Chief Operating Officer of Sohu.com Mr. Victor Koo and the “Securities Daily” President Dr. Zhang Jie was also invited to attend the conference. Almost all the real estate capital famous enterprises, the name of the boss
2020年 1- 9月,我国农机市场主营业务收入小幅增长,从11 个子行业分析,畜牧机械大幅增长 54 . 55%,农副产品加工专用设备大幅下滑.农机利润总额回稳,同比增长29 . 11%.但农机工