国家教育委员会 国家物价局 财政部 关于清理整顿中小学收费项目有关问题的通知(摘登)

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一、根据《中华人民共和国义务教育法》的规定,实施义务教育的地方,小学和初级中学免收学费,但各地应根据实际情况,经过批准适当收取杂费。非义务教育的高级中学应收学费和杂费。中小学的杂费,是学生在校期间学习、生活所必需的公共性的杂项费用。高级中学的学费,是学生在校期间所需的部分培养费用。杂费、学费标准和收取办法,由省、自治区、直辖市教育、物价、财政部门根据当地群众经济收入水平和承受能力,研究制订方案,报人民政府批准后执行,并报国家教育委员会、国家物价局、财政部备案。家庭经济困难的学生,可酌情减免学费、杂费。具体办法亦由省、自治区、直辖市有关部门制订。二、中小学校按当地人民政府规定,应该接收入学或转学的学生,除依统一规定标准收取学费、杂费外,不得额外收取其他费用,更不得借机向学生家长和家长所在单位索要财物。 I. According to the “Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China”, local, primary and junior high schools implementing compulsory education will be exempt from tuition fees, but all localities should, according to actual conditions, properly collect incidental fees after approval. Higher non-compulsory secondary schools should charge tuition and miscellaneous fees. The miscellaneous fees of primary and secondary schools are miscellaneous expenses for the publicity necessary for students to study and live in school. High school tuition is part of the cost of training students during school. Fees, tuition fees and collection methods, the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government education, prices, the financial sector in accordance with the level of the local people’s economic income and affordability, study and formulate the program, submitted to the people’s government for approval after execution, and reported to the State Education Commission, the State Price Bureau Ministry of Finance for the record. Family financially disadvantaged students may, at their discretion, waive tuition and fees. The specific measures are also formulated by the relevant departments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Secondary and Primary Schools Students, who are supposed to receive admission or transfer of education, shall not charge any additional fees except tuition fees and miscellaneous fees in accordance with the uniform standards. They shall not even have the opportunity to ask for property from their parents and parents.
事业单位的资金分为预算内资金和预算外资金,为了区分两类资金所发生的经济业务,对凭证编号我们采取了以下方法: 1.分别用阿拉伯数码和汉字数码编号,即预算内资金凭证号用阿
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