
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:menes127
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我国集装箱运输起步比发达国家要晚,发展的历史短得多,但发展的速度却比发达国家要快得多.现每年进出口集装精擅长速度在 20%左右,引起了世界各国的重视,几乎世界上所有大的船公司纷纷涉足我国的集运市场,开辟航线.自集装箱运输业开展以来,国家有关部委制订了一些法规,前后约有几十个,对集运事业的健康发展起了指导作用.但对于涉及面如此之厂、发展组此之快、竞争如此之激烈的集运市场,我们感到存在着法规不够健全,执法不够有力.主要在以下几个方面.1.宏观调控不够,出现重复建设,能力过剩 China’s container shipping started later than the developed countries and has a much shorter history of development, but the pace of development is much faster than that of the developed countries. Now the annual import and export of containers is about 20%, which has attracted the attention of all countries in the world , Almost all the major shipping companies in the world have set foot in the container transportation market of our country and opened up routes.From the container shipping industry, some relevant ministries and commissions have formulated some laws and regulations around dozens and have played a guiding role in the healthy development of the shipping and distribution industry However, for such a market involving such factories and development teams, the competition is so fierce that we have a market that is not sound enough and law enforcement is not strong enough, mainly in the following aspects: 1. There are not enough macro-control measures to emerge Repeated construction, excess capacity
中国工商银行杭州市高新支行地处杭州文教区,周边各类高校有20余所。该行自2000年9月开办助学贷款业务以来,已先后与11所高等院校签订了助学贷款合作协议,截至 2001年 10月末,累计发放各类助学贷
奥地利、德国人均年消费蔬菜在100kg左右,两国政府和生产者对蔬菜生产十分重视。生产优质的无公害蔬菜和加强环境保护成为两国蔬菜生产技术的研究中心。1 奥、德两国的无公