20 0 0年 6月笔者对涞水县自 1994年以来高接成活的 2 30 0株核桃树进行了一次详细的调查和资料整理。几年来死于营养极度缺乏的 2 7株 ;云斑天牛蛀干 14株 ;主干溃疡 11株 ;追肥不当肥害 9株 ,共计 6 1株 ,约占总株数的 2 .7%。树木枯死的主要原因属于管理或操作不当
In June 2000, the author carried out a detailed survey and data collation on 2,300 walnut trees which were highly polluting in Huangshui County since 1994. In recent years, 27 died of extremely lack of nutrition; 14 of them had dry moths; 11 of main stem ulcers; 9 of them were improperly fattened by fertilizer, accounting for 21.7% of the total number of plants. The main reason for dead trees is management or improper operation