当北国还在寒风凛冽、白雪皑皑的时候,南国有许多时花已经异彩纷呈,铺红展翠,为华夏大地迎来的早春增添无限秀色。你看,那些来自异邦的嘉德利亚兰(简称嘉德兰),以其硕壮的花冠,艳美的花色,高雅的风姿,赢得了无数寻芳者的倾心,成为洋兰世界中令人艳羡的佼佼者。 在兰花的领域里,产自中国地生的兰科植物习惯称之为“国兰”,而原产于外国热带地区气生的兰花泛称为“洋兰”。由于嘉德兰芳容出众,含金量高,被公众视为洋兰中的代表。 从外观看来,此花株高盈尺,
When the North is still cold and windy, snowy time, the South has a lot of time when the color has been colorful, red shop Cui Cui, usher in the vast spring usher in the early spring to add unlimited beauty. You see, those from different nations Jiadeliya Lan (Kirtland), with its majestic corolla, beautiful colors, elegant grace, has won numerous innocent people’s heart to become envy in the world of Yang Lan Leader. In the field of orchids, the orchidaceous plants that originated in China are habitually called “Guolan”, while the orchids native to the tropical regions of the world are commonly referred to as the “Oceanic Lantern.” As Kartland superior appearance, high gold content, the public as the representative of the Western blue. From the outside, it seems that this plant grows with high profit margins,